Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If You Think You have Seen It All......Think Again.

iron man costume
You all know of your favorite superheroes like superman,spiderman,batman and iron man and you all hope to become one of those someday.Well you certainly cannot but what you can do is wear their costumes and pretend to be just like them.The costumes that are coming these days are not very detailed and good.However Ryan Brooks has created a stunning costume of iron man.The suit has been built by joining together over 4000 Lego Technic pieces and alot of handcrafted Armour pieces and it took over 1200+ hours to actually make it. Apart from this the suit (costume) has the ability to transform form a breifcase into a stunning and fully detailed and functional suit.This particular function is inspired from the movie Iron Man 2.Ryan Brooks aka the real Tony Stark has made an incredible piece of art. You can watch the video by folloeing the link given below.

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